
Rik Konings

About Me

Growing Kings Digital from a 1 man band to a team of experts (that continues to grow) is something I’m incredibly proud of. With over 15 years of development experience, I’ve delivered 100’s of websites, Digital Marketing Campaigns and E-commerce solutions and learnt a whole lot about creating a strong digital presence along the way.

I’m a fan of getting to know a client’s business and using my own experience to help guide and improve business outcomes utilising all things digital.

With a Bachelor of Economics and Computing I’m not afraid of a spreadsheet or two and my knowledge of all things technical is always growing.

I’ve built ongoing relationships with all KD clients and consulted for a bunch of clients like Aurora Energy, LiveTiles and Hydro Tasmania.

When I’m not working you’ll find me enjoying a good red wine, playing soccer or spending time with my young family – not necessarily in that order!