Facebook Business Pages can be an invaluable resource for businesses to expand their digital reach and establish connections with their clients in a significant way. By setting up and consistently building your Facebook presence you can increase your visibility, attract new followers, and create a community invested in your brand.


1.     Assuming you already have a personal Facebook (if not you will need to create one) create a new page under the create section. (Specific instructions can be found in the links below).

2.     Enter the basic information of your business: The name of your business page will more than likely be your usual business page. Filling in the category is important as well, select a category that best describes your businesses main products/services. Finally, fill in your description/bio, which is your businesses elevator pitch, fill in a few short sentences summarising your brand.

3.     Fill in further Facebook Business Page Info: Follow the prompts on the page to enter further details about your business such as potentially your hours, phone number and all similar information.

4.     Photos: It is important to include a high-quality profile picture and cover photos with recognisable images to best represent your brand.

5.     Action Button: The top of your Facebook page will feature an action button; this can be modified to suit the type of business you have.

6.     Optimise the page: You can continue adding features and segments to you page that best suit your brand. These may include sections such as reviews, you location and opening hours and more depending on your needs.


1.     Product & Service Showcasing: Like Instagram Facebook is a visual platform that is perfect for showcasing you brands products or services. Using high quality images or videos to demonstrate your offerings in action or to highlight their features can be a great way to increase awareness of your brand. For example, a tour company could showcase different locations travelled to or a fashion brand could showcase their new collections.

2.     Behind the scenes content: Brands can personalise their brand by showing behind the scenes content to their followers. These could include posts showing day to day operations of the business as well as posts can showcase different parts of the company culture and values.

3.     User-Generated Content (UGC): A brand can often leverage their follower’s content about their brand by reposting user-generated content. This can help to show appreciation for your fans, humanise the brand and increase social proof. An example of this may be for a brand that is a food brand they could repost fan content featuring their products in a delicious-looking meal.

4.     Storytelling: Incorporating storytelling in your brands Facebook posts and stories can be a great way to engage with your fans and grow an emotional connection. Businesses can use posts and stories to share snippets of their brands values, history and to even introduce their team members.

5.     Contests and Giveaways: Businesses can create high levels of engagement and attention surround their brand by running special contests or giveaways. Running these types of contests can encourage your audience to engage and grow your audience. For example, a distillery could run a contest asking their followers to share their favourite drink or cocktail they could put together with their brands products.

6.     Company Updates: Businesses can share updates, milestones, and news on their Facebook page to their followers. For example, a brand may share new products/services offered or share exciting news about their move to a new facility/office.

As your brand continue to grow and build presence on Facebook, you may consider using meta-ads to reach a wider audience and reach different business goals you may have. Ads run through Facebook/meta allow a business owner to target certain demographics, behaviours’, interests as well as remarket to visitors of your website and more.

Useful Links:

Create a Facebook Page for your business

Hootsuite’s guide on Creating a Facebook Page for your business